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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesday August 29th, 2006

I can't believe it's been a whole week since I have posted here. Just last week I said that I was going to really get this blog going and keep it up to date. I have been working like crazy trying to decorate the store and getting class samples made. By the time I get home after 10-12 hours I just crash....Of course yesterday I didnt even wait until I got home ...I actually fell asleep sitting upfront on the sofa talking to Karen about classes and samples..One minute we were talking and the next I just layed my head on the back of the sofa and I was gone....(thankfully it didnt last long...what a sight that would have been)

I have had a ton of requests for adult classes as well as preteen classes both scrapping and altered items so I have been researching lots of projects and ideas. I have some terrific gals who are both friends from several years and new friends who are going to teach some awesome classes the next few months.

We already have 5 definate new classes planned, samples made,for several dates set and are working on a third sample, fourth, fifth and the count goes on and on...If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would LOVE to hear them :) I decided to turn the slatwalls behind the counters upfront into a class & crop wall. I altered some large wooden letters (9 inch or so) that say CLASSES & CROPS. So now we are busy filling that area in with samples for the classes.

One class is the cutest matchbook album for birthdays made with 8 little matchbooks, tags, chipboard, ribbons and more. It is a really cute keepsake or gift.

The other is a 2 page spread and a 1 page l/o for your favorite little
dog or kitty. Being the dog person I am I just love the doggy one made with Autumn Leaves Pet papers & products, die cut corner anchors and more. I will upload pics of both class pics as soon as I figure out how to navigate this blog. I also have ideas for a cute altered canvas for Halloween, one for Christmas, some great l/o classes, gift classes etc.

There is also a cute Family Themed Ribbon Tied File Folder Album and cute projects for baby boys and girls....

One thing I am bummed about this week is still no new product. I have been told by several big vendors that the average turn around for LSS is about 2 weeks and I am definately at the 2 weeks point. My Autumn Leaves Order of 3 paper collections, 6-8 styles of acrylic stamps including many CHA July releases, The TYPE book and more is suppose to ship out TOMMORROW!!!!!! So I am super excited. I expect it will be Tuesday before it arrives if it actually does leave tommorrow (Wed) since Monday is Labor Day. I still have orders out for K*I Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as Karen Fosters Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also Creative Imaginations. Not to mention more acrylic paper trays. Needless to say I have been anxiously awaiting "Mr Brown" every single day. I will most definately
make sure to post to the blog asap when anything ships or is received to let everyone know.
I also will be more than happy to pre-sell or take info over the phone to hold anything if anyone cant get into the store for a say or so.

After several customers suggesting the Technique Tuesday Line I decided to carry that also. So hopefully those goodies will be arriving soon :)

I still have ALOT of decorating to do. Still looking for another sofa for upfront or 2 over stuffed chairs and a table, just havent found them yet. I did pick up 2 lamps that I am going to alter and put on sofa tables behind the sofas someday soon...Still thinking on those...Also I ordered some
iron inspiration words that I am going to paint for the "coffee central" area ..create..ralax..enjoy... and I received the CUTEST altered clock yesterday from an online pal of many many years on the SB AOL boards. Leonore in Hawaii sent it to me and it is sooooo cute. I put it up in the store today. Which got me to thinking as I looked around the store and my office at the many swap items, secret pal gifts, and "store-warming" gifts how many WONDERFUL ladies I have met IRL & online thru my love of scrapping....I have my altered
letters from Sherri in MS from a year or so ago in my office the S for me/scrapping and the C for my little Cocoa (the cocker spaniel)...My EMI Caddy sitting at the register from Jen in TX, my altered clock from Leonore in Hawaii, my 12x12 Disney Frame from Donna Lee in Delaware, as well as altered flipflops from her and Leonore, items from pals probably in all 50 states from so many years of great swaps and secret pals. I truly treasure all of these ladies and feel so lucky to have them in my life :)

I guess I should end this post for tonight :) I really need to try and figure out how to post pics to my blog and if I cant I will go with plan B and ask DS Jonathan in the next day or so. :)

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