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Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Store News

Hi Everyone

It has been a hectic past 2 days here.

First of all on a very sad note my Jennifer lost yet another very close
friend yesterday. This is the 3rd friend from her "group" to pass away
at such a young age. This one has really hit her hard...She loved Cody
and spent so much time at his house we often referred to his house as the
"Wilson Inn". She has a picture of Ralph and Cody from her graduation
standing on each side of her and now she has lost both of them. This group
of 10-12 kids have shared a strong bond since elementary school that
many adults could only hope for in friends. They are always thinking
of each other...making sure they are all doing ok. Jen's phone has not
stopped ringing/texting today with everyone concerned about how
she is doing thru this...knowing that she is just at a loss as to why
this happened. So.....
I am not sure what the next few days will bring as far as
a memorial...funeral time etc. But I know that if she needs me with her then
I will probably have to close the store Wed or Thursday. I will post any hour
adjustments as soon as we hear what Cody's Mom is arranging.

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